Chapter 11
In 1942 a change occurred in the
way Alexandrina relived the Passion.
The consecration of the world to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary was finally obtained, and the exterior
manifestations of the Passion stopped, because this grace had been asked for
when the consecration was achieved.
3rd April 1942 was
Good Friday. As usual Alexandrina was waiting to relive the Passion from noon to
3 p.m.; to move from her bed and to re-enact those tragic scenes. But this
didn’t happen. At half past 11 she heard Jesus say:
Don’t be afraid, my daughter,
no longer will you be crucified (in the way you are used to). The crucifixion
that you will now undergo is the most painful than can be imagined in history. I
will take you with me to Heaven (He joins her to offer comfort).
Alexandrina herself speaks of
the increase of the sufferings.
suspended my crucifixion; it seems that He suspended my life. (...) I do not
have the suffering of the Cross, I do not feel myself on it, it is wholly hidden
from me. But I have a yet heavier cross: my sufferings are greater. S (24-5-42)
In the Diocesan Process her
sister Deolinda stated:
After 1942
the exterior manifestations of the Passion had finished, but she continued until
her death to suffer the torments of the Passion interiorly and she continued the
Friday ecstasies, also until death, and these I heard her refer to as “painful
ecstasies”. (Summ, p. 223)
Moreover, the torments of the
Passion were no longer limited to Fridays.
On 19 June of 1946 Alexandrina
answered Fr Umberto, who had asked her about it:
Long ago I experienced these
sufferings (relating to the Passion) during the three hours of Friday, from noon
till 3 p.m.; the pains of the Passion were in the order that Jesus suffered
them; but not now. The terror of these pains is with me any day: on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays: at one time I will suffer this torment of the
Passion, at another time, that. (PGA, p. 12)
If the consecration of the world
had already been made, why did she still suffer in this way? Continuing to
suffer the tragedy of the Passion in an intimate, but always very painful, way
had a great purpose: to continue the co-redeeming mission, to reach an ever more
perfect assimilation into the divine Victim, until arriving at the transforming
union that we saw!
The hidden stigmata and wounds
Alexandrina, when she offered
herself as a victim, had asked Jesus that nothing should appear exteriorly. And
Jesus granted her this; so she felt the atrocious pains of the stigmata and the
others wounds, but nothing appeared.
For all
these days my body has been the amusement of the entire world.
I felt as if
all humanity was delighted with making a martyr of me.
My head was
crowned with piercing thorns: pain penetrated my brain, my eyes and ears; my
body was beaten until it was torn into pieces; my hands, my feet, my heart had
been opened with great wounds. And also I can say that this condition was
constant. I was tired, and full of fear at the prospect of suffering in such a
way. S (27-9-46)
I have felt always as if I
had open wounds in my heart, hands and feet, that my body was lacerated all
over, my head encircled and heavily crowned with the sharpest thorns: I have
felt them and sometimes my soul has had the vision of a torrent of blood falling
from it drenching my body and also the earth. If I have felt this as a reality
every day, yesterday (Thursday) I felt it still more. S (11-7-47)
And our
heavenly Mother, always as if on the same cross, sharing the same pain, the same
martyrdom, and insane with love for the same end, the salvation of souls.
The swords of her most Holy
Heart touched mine, they wounded me entirely. I felt as if the nails in the
wounds (of Jesus) and the thorns in his head penetrated, wounded me
continuously, and I had the impression that they moved both within and without.
This martyrdom was very painful!
I have
understood that it was not the suffering of some hours, but rather that it
lasted as long as the world was the world! This was an understanding that Jesus
gave me. S (10-9-48)
And do we today understand?!
The suffering increased to the
point where she felt herself to be the object of the divine justice, while yet
still a victim:
A dark
Heaven, a Heaven of tremendous justice settled on me; it settled and it remained
flashing: what a thunder! It exploded like bombs, became fire and inflamed the
Between the
Earth and this Heaven of justice, jammed by them, the wounds are opened more and
they bleed more copiously, the thorns in the head and the heart penetrate
deeper, the swords and the spear do not stop wounding. S (10-10-47)
Little more than three months
later, Jesus still asks for her to agree to an increase in suffering!
— Do you
accept, dear spouse, as well as the suffering of the Cross, of the wounds and of
the thorns, to have your heart and chest being eaten and as if by leprosy?
In this way I will not suffer and sinners will not
be eaten for ever by the leprosy of sin[i].
Oh, my daughter, so many sins! How dreadful is the world!
— Forgive, Jesus, forgive
always! Pass everything on to me, because I accept everything, My confidence
is always and only in You (she answers with her usual generosity). S (30-1-48)
But the sufferings grow until a
point that she believes that she cannot support them.
I raise my
eyes to Heaven so that my looks say everything to the Lord. I cannot live here.
I die already without living, if Jesus does not come to take me. S (15-6-51)
Jesus encourages her, assuring
her that she will persevere until the end.
courage! Let your feet bleed mystically, your hands, your heart, your head, all
your being. I have crucified you, because you accepted it. I prepared you for
this heroic act, for this acceptance. You have corresponded. You have been
faithful and you will be always faithful to your Lord. S (10-4-53)
Some relief
Jesus knew well when the
resistance of His beloved victim has reached its limit and, when it was
necessary, intervened to give her a little relief. Sometimes He sent her
guardian Angel to place a balm on the wounds to alleviate the pain, sometimes He
acted Himself. But let us observe how everything has a meaning that goes beyond
material action.
Jesus seated
me on his lap, pressed my head on his divine breast and took from his sacred
wounds I not know what and, laying it on my hands and repeating the action with
my feet, He said me:
— My
daughter, draw balm from my wounds for yours, painful though hidden, very deep,
so that your hands sow, through the painful wounds, my divine seed and so that
your feet, that do not walk, through their open wounds hold back from sinful
paths the souls that run towards perdition.
He used the
same balm for my head and then took from His divine open Heart another balm and,
lying it on mine, he added:
— I draw
balm from the wounds of my sacred head for yours, to alleviate the pain of your
thorns, so that, being stronger, you may be able, with this suffering, to draw
out from souls those evil inclinations and sinful thoughts that offend me much
From my
divine Heart I take loving balm, balm of fire, so that you love Me and make me
loved; so that you light this fire, this love; so that you possess always the
tenderness, the sweetness which is mine. Spend your life doing good, in
imitation of me. He took from His lips a new balm and passed it to mine adding:
— This balm
is to fortify your lips so that they can speak to souls about my love and advise
them, with the light of the Holy Spirit, to reconcile themselves to me, to
follow my law. (...)
Rest, sleep
here your sleep of love and ask that I be loved. S (1-9-50)
The work of comfort cannot do
without Our Heavenly Mother!
Our beloved
Heavenly Mother caressed me and breathed a smile over all the wounds of my body.
In doing this she made me feel, at the same time, that she was communicating her
most holy love to me.
(She said to
— Make
reparation, my daughter, to my Immaculate Heart, wounded by the same thorns that
wound the Heart of Jesus. To make reparation to my Heart is to make reparation
to his. Do everything he asks of you: soon you will have Heaven with all its
glory as reward. (...).
In farewell,
Jesus said:
— Courage,
my daughter, give me your pain.
comes, I am always your Jesus, your force. Courage, courage! S (2-6-51)
Every suffering which the victim undergoes
corresponds with the sin for which she atones. Here, it is the
sufferings of leprosy to correspond with impurity, elsewhere it is
temptations against the faith for unbelievers, etc.
