Alexandrina de Balasar |
Invocation and supplication
Prayers of
invocation and supplication must not be seen as requests for God to do our will,
to support our desire, no! They must be expressions of a loving
The supplications that Alexandrina directs to Heaven are very beautiful examples in this sense: they are presented with the humility, of one who feels that she is very small, indeed nothingness, before Him to Whom she prays; her confidence, her faith, in the mercy of God, confidence born of reciprocal love; the insistence in asking, just as Jesus told us to, as we see in the Gospels. Here are some examples: Listen to my prayers, listen, listen, Jesus! do not look at the this poor person, poor and needy, who asks You, but look at your divine promises and your own command in telling me to ask things of you. I ask, Jesus, I ask and I trust. S (01-02 52) I believe that you will not disdain my nothingness and that you will have compassion for me. Give me your grace, guide me always in your ways” S (29-10-48) Jesus, I ask to be saint, as you want me to be, and if you want me to be. I ask to be able to loveYou in the way that your Sacred Heart desires. S (14-09-45) I am so far from being perfect, from being able to deal with all the charity of Jesus. Help me, my Love, to turn fully to you, to relocate myself truly in your divine Heart. What anxieties I have of loving You and of loving my neighbour! What hunger for your love, what hunger for perfection, what anxieties for Heaven! I am afraid of my own weakness, I fear myself in everything and for everything. S (05-08-49) My God, my God, what fighting, what suffering, what combat between what I am and what I should be. My nature is ever in rebellion and yet I am anxious only to do the will of my Lord! I call, I call for Jesus and for our heavenly Mother, I ask for the sweetness, the meekness, the patience of Their divine Hearts. I ask that the Holy Spirit enlighten me and assist me. S (22-06-51) Jesus, have pity, feel sorry for me, enrich this my nothingness, fill me with your love! I do not ask you to work wonders in me that can be seen: I ask you for the wonder and the wealth of your love. C (14-05-41) Give me, O Jesus, the fire of your most holy Heart. You be my strength, give me your peace! S (15-03-46) Notice that even when she asks for material aid, such as the money needed when her mother was running the risk of losing their mortgaged home, her prayer does not lack the spiritual note: O Jesus, I do not ask for honours, or great things, or wealth from You, but I ask that You leave us our little home, so that my mother and sister (she thinks that her death is near) have somewhere to live until the end of their lives, so that my sister has a garden to pick the flowers to adorn Your altar in the church, on Saturdays. O Jesus, all the flowers are for You. Jesus, rescue us, lest we perish! Spread this message far and wide, to those who can help us (The necessary money did indeed come, from Lisbon, through the mediation of her director, Fr Pinho)! I do not ask You to answer my prayer in this way, or in that, because I do not know which is best! I trust in You” (A p. 24-25)
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