Alexandrina de Balasar |
Praise and gratefulness
Alexandrina is completely love;, in every fibre of her being she fully lives the union with God-Love, therefore she is an “incarnation of love” in each prayer, just as in each moment of her life. In her school may we, also, learn to pray! Let us quickly summarize several aspects of her prayer: When I see flowers, I admire, I praise and I adore the power of God… She feels herself incapable of adequate praise, therefore: I ask all created things that praise the Lord to praise Him for me. S (19-03-48) Full of longing, I looked the sky and I said: “Oh, how beautiful is The one who created you!” C (09-08-41) From the contemplation of creation springs an amazement that makes all our being vibrate with recognition, because we do not feel unconnected, contemplating out of wonder alone, but involved, even being a unit of nothingness in The Everything. It is worship, with grateful love, for each individual thing; it is for this reason that everything has been given to us. For us Christians there is also the Incarnation and the Eucharist! On our path we find moments of joy, for which for which we are spontaneously thankful: I offer thanks for all the benefits that I receive, the ones that I know about and the ones that I don’t, and for all the benefits that I have received and that I will receive in time and eternity, which is the Heaven. And I thank those that are granted to souls through me. I offer thanks for those who do not thank Our Lord, for the whole of humanity. And she adds: But I ask Jesus - her love for Jesus is so exquisite! - not to accept this gratitude as coming from me, but as if it was each one was offering his own thanks, so that Jesus will not feel ingratitude from any soul. S (07-08-53) On the other hand it is very difficult for us to be thankful for the periods of pain; this is contrary to our human nature. But the Christian knows that all that happens is willed by God who is love, therefore – when he has progressed to a certain spiritual state – he has also progressed enough to appreciate the reason for the pain and be thankful for it. Here Alexandrina is masterful: Every day, shortly after receiving Holy Communion, I pray the “Magnificat” in thanksgiving for the pains or joys of each day before they come. S (25-01-46) I have had joys that have soon died, and thorns that have long been piercing me. I receive everything as little tendernesses from Jesus; everything I offer to Him and I am thankful to Him in my heart. S (01-08-47) Thank you, thank you, Jesus, in the consolation and in the pain, in life and in death. S (03-04-53)
Repentance and a request for pardon
I was very bad at the end of this afternoon. Surely I disgusted Him (Jesus). I am terribly sorry about it. It is in the smallest things that I show who I am. C (28-06-40) Dear Celestial Mother, let me cry rivers of tears of repentance for my many sins, sins which I commit in spite of the many benefits I receive from You and from Jesus. S (08-04-49) Repentance must be followed by conversion. Do You remember how much I have offended You? Now I want only to love You. C (25-09-41) Repentance and the will to change lead to a request for pardon. O Celestial Mother, ask Jesus to pardon me! Tell Him that it is the prodigal son who comes back to the home of his good Father, disposed to follow Him, to love Him, to adore Him, to obey Him and to imitate Him. (A p. 17) O my Jesus, o my Jesus, pardon, pardon, pardon for my sins! Pardon for the sins of all mankind! S (13-11-53) The love Jesus is her sole aim, always present in everything she does. How many are those who hate me and disdain me! How many are those who calumniate me! When I ask myself: what wrong have I done them? the thought that soon comes to mind is: what wrong did Jesus do to us, but to love us and to die for us? And soon I feel myself obliged to pardon them and to repeat many times: Pardon them, my Jesus, allow them to be converted so that they will be consumed in the fire of your divine love! S (13-05-43).
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