Through you the world was consecrated to my Blessed Mother.
Jesus to the Bld Alexandrina (1954)
The Decree of the Bld Alexandrina’s Heroic Virtues states that “in
the year 1936, (the Bld Alexandrina) asked the Pope the
Consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which
Pius XII made on 31st October 1942”.
Let’s see in a short overview the way that took to it.
I will do you great things through you
the letter to Fr. Pinho of 27th September 1934,
Alexandrina wrote:
beloved Jesus told me that He would be my Director and my
continuous, frequent, usual Master and your Reverence there by far;
but that I had to obey to you first and then than to Him.
also told me to tell your Reverence that my pilgrimage on earth
would not last long, but that great things awaited me”.
On the first Saturday December 1934, Jesus insists on these “great
things”, very clearly
“I will do great things through you”.
I want an act of Consecration to be made
The first time Jesus asks the Consecration is on 30th
July 1937. He orders:
“My daughter, I require you to tell your spiritual father that, in
proof of the love that you bear for my most Holy Mother, I want an
act of Consecration of the entire world to be made every year, on
one of the days of her feasts, chosen by you – the Assumption,
Purification or Annunciation – asking that the Virgin without stain
of sin to shame and confound the impure ones, so that they return to
the to the true path and cease to offend Me”.
Like I asked Holy Margaret Mary to be the world consecrated to my
Divine Heart, so I ask you to be it consecrated to Her with a solemn
Fr Marian Pinho, Alexandrina’s first Spiritual Director, was at that
time a remarkable Jesuit, who had embraced the task of promulgate in
the country the Eucharistic Crusade for Children, for which he
created a successful magazine, who collaborated in other magazine,
the Messenger of the Sacred Heart, and more, who directed the
main Jesuit magazine, Brotéria. His name was known all over
the Portugal. But the task he then received from Jesus was not a
common one.
He felt himself even not entirely sure if that order came from Jesus
or if it was only a pious mistake of Alexandrina. Therefore, he
waited a year without making any diligence. But, then, the order
came again and in circumstances that convinced him:
“Why are my orders not accomplished? Didn’t I give enough signals
your Spiritual Father that is my Spirit who guides you?... I want
the world to be consecrated to my Mother, Blessed Mary; this is the
remedy for so many evils that threaten it!”
From now on begin the several diligences: letters to the Holy
Father, examinations by ecclesiastical order and so on. In 1938,
Jesus gives a proof, his Passion physically relived by Alexandrina.
This suffering stops as soon the consecration is made.
see these words of Jesus that Alexandrina heard on 25th
April 1938, but that don’t still concern the Passion:
“I want penance and prayer to be made. It is you who are shortening
the divine justice and you must suffer this until he consecrates it
(the world)”.
On 4th January 1941 Jesus relates to the Passion in these
“My daughter, ask the Holy Father to have compassion for your
martyrdom (the Passion) and satisfy the divine desires of
Jesus, which is to consecrate the world to my Blessed Mother”.
This way of reliving the Passion stopped after the consecration.
Our Lady of the Victory
Soon in 10/IX/36 Jesus shows his desire that his Mother be invoked
as Lady of the Victory:
“I’ll say you as will be made the consecration of the world to the
Mother of the men and my Blessed Mother. I love her so much!
entire world will be in Rome by the Holy Father consecrated to her
and later by the Fathers in every churches of the world under the
title of Queen of the Heaven and of the Earth and Lady of the
2nd May 1940, Our Lord commands to say the Pope:
he wants that the world to be saved,
that he rushes the hour of its Consecration to my Blessed Mother.
That he places her in front of the battle and that proclaims her
Queen of the Victory and the Messenger of the Peace”.
Here she is declared not Lady but Queen. But the title Lady of the
Victory will come again.
In the prayer of the consecration Pope Pius XII used the title “Victress
of all God’s battles” which, according Fr Marian Pinho, corresponds
to Lady of the Victory.
Joy for the Consecration
It seems that since 22/5/1942 the Pope definitively took the
decision on the consecration. Indeed, on that day Jesus says to
“Glory, glory, glory to Jesus!
Honour, honour and glory to Mary!
heart of the Pope, the golden heart has decided to consecrate the
world to the Heart of Mary!
What great happiness and joy to the world, to belong more than ever
to the Mother of Jesus!
whole world belongs to the divine Heart of Jesus; everything will
belong to the Immaculate Heart of Mary”.
A week later Alexandrina prayed during an ecstasy as follows:
“Hail Mary, Mother of Jesus!
Honour, glory, triumph to your Immaculate Heart!
Hail Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of the whole Universe!
will not want to belong to the Mother of Jesus, the owner of the
whole world is going to be consecrated to her maternal Heart!
Keep, pure Virgin, keep, Virgin Mother, all your children in your
most holy Heart!”
the eve of the Consecration Jesus addresses to Alexandrina as
“The Heaven, the Heaven full of glory! The Heaven full of triumph!
lovely crown, more beautiful than the sun and the stars is prepared
for the crazy one of Jesus.
Jesus is everything for His crucified one.
Jesus gives her everything to receive everything from her!”
The act of consecration
31st October, at the conclusion of the Fatima jubilee
(25th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady in
Fatima, in 1917), the whole world could listen, on the radio,
the voice of the Holy Father consecrating the world to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary in Portuguese!
far as we can see, even the Catholic Authorities didn’t expect the
Consecration. The following day newspapers ignore it. All attention
was concentrated on the Jubilee of the Apparitions and it was an
for the country to hear the Pope speaking Portuguese… Besides, we
must remember that Portugal was not in war.
Only after some days did people begin to pay attention to the final
words of the papal speech where the Act of the Consecration had been
there were people who noted it: Fr. Marian Pinho and Alexandrina.
However, he was forbidden to write to Alexandrina, so he sends a
short telegram from Fatima to Balasar…
Let’s read now the papal prayer:
of the Most Holy Rosary,
Help of the Christians,
Refuge of the human race,
Victress of all God’s battles,
humbly prostrate ourselves before thy throne,
confident that we shall receive mercy, grace, and bountiful
assistance and protection on the present calamity,
through our own merits, but solely through the great goodness of thy
maternal Heart.
thee, to thy Immaculate Heart,
as Common Father of the great Christian Family,
Vicar of Him to whom all power was given in heaven and on earth
from whom We received the care of all souls redeemed by His Precious
to thee, to thy Immaculate Heart, on this tragic hour of human
confide, deliver and consecrate,
only the Holy Church, the Mystic Body of Jesus,
in such suffering and agony in so many places and sorely tried in so
many ways,
also the entire world torn by fierce strife,
consumed in a fire of hate, victim of its own wickedness.
the sight of the widespread material and moral destruction,
the sorrows and anguish of countless fathers and mothers,
husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, and innocent children,
the great number of lives cut down in the flower of youth,
the bodies mangled in horrible slaughter, and of tortured
agonized souls in danger of being lost eternally,
move thee to compassion.
Mother of Mercy,
obtain peace for us from God,
above all provide for us those graces which prepare for, establish,
and assure peace.
Queen of Peace,
pray for us and give to the world now at war the peace for which all
people are longing, peace in the truth, justice, and charity of
Give peace to the warring nations and to the souls of men,
that in the tranquillity of order the kingdom of God may prevail.
Extend thy protection to the infidels
to all those still in the shadow of death;
give them peace and grant that on them, too, may shine the sun of
that they may unite with us in proclaiming before the one and only
Saviour of the world:
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good
Give peace to the peoples separated from Us by error or by schism,
especially to those who profess such singular devotion to thee
in whose homes an honoured place was ever accorded thy venerable
(today perhaps often kept hidden to await better days);
bring them back to the one fold of Christ under the one true
Obtain peace and complete freedom for the Holy Church of God;
stay the spreading flood of modern paganism;
enkindle in the faithful the love of purity, the practice of the
Christian life, and an apostolic zeal,
that the servants of God may increase in merit and in numbers.
Lastly, as the Church and the entire human race were consecrated to
the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
that in reposing all hope in Him,
might become for them the sign and pledge of victory and salvation:
in like manner also consecrate ourselves forever to thee and to thy
Immaculate Heart,
Mother and Queen,
that thy love and patronage may hasten the triumph of the kingdom of
that all nations, at peace with one another and with God,
proclaim thee blessed and with thee may raise their voices to
resound from pole to pole in the chant of the everlasting Magnificat
of glory, love and gratitude to the Heart of Jesus,
where alone they can find truth, life and peace”.
Jesus’s and Alexandrina’s reaction
did Alexandrina react? On 7th November she wrote to her
“When I learned about the consecration of the world to our beloved
heavenly Mother in a telegram, Jesus allowed me to have some passing
moments of consolation.
was out of myself; I didn’t know how to thank Jesus and our heavenly
Mother. I raised my hands to Heaven and said: blessed be Jesus,
blessed be our heavenly Mother!”
Alexandrina’s diary of 7th November begins with these
words of Jesus:
happy, beloved daughter, be happy dear daughter, because the desires
of Jesus are realized!
happy, because great blessings have come to this guilty earth!”
The WW2
Consecration was made and it was a step forward leading to the end
of the war. Let’s remember the words of 2nd May 1940:
“If he (the Pope) wants the world to be saved, that he rushes
the hour of its Consecration to my Blessed Mother. That he places in
front of the battle and that proclaims her Queen of the Victory
and the Messenger of the Peace”.
time of the Consecration was that of the fights in North Africa that
ended with the battle of El Alamein. It is very interesting to read
these words of Winston Churchill about the importance of the moment:
“Before Alamein we never had a victory. After Alamein we never had a
Through you (Alexandrina) was the world consecrated (1942) to
my Blessed Mother
In Internet we read this comment on the Consecration we are speaking
“The noted
Gabriel Roschini
called the 1942 consecration of the human race to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary the greatest honor, which anyone can imagine. It is
the highest manifestation of the Marian cult. It opens new
perspectives for salvation history”.
Twelve years later hears Jesus confirms what we saw on the Decree of
Alexandrina’s Heroic Virtues:
“Through you I want this love (to the Sacred Heart and to the
Immaculate Heart) to be ablaze in all humanity, the same way
as through you the world was consecrated to my Blessed Mother.
Dear spouse, let the love of our Hearts spread all over the world!”
When might it be possible a monument be erected in Balasar to
commemorate such a great event?
COSTA, Alexandrina Maria (organized by Eugénie Signorile and
translated into English by Leo Baron Madigan of Lumiar), For Love
PINHO, P.e Mariano, No Calvário
de Balasar, (second edition), Apostolado da Oração, Braga,
In the Fr.
Marian Pinho’s letter to Cardinal Pacelli, on 11th
September 1936, the author informs:
Agitur enim de
impetrando Summo Pontifice, ut in tantis rerum discriminibus
et angustiis, mundus totus Reginae Coeli et Terrae ac
Dominae a Victoria consecretur.
“It is the
case of asking the Roman Pontiff to consecrate, in a moment
of so many difficulties, the entire world to the Queen of
the Heaven and of the Earth and to the Lady of the Victory”.
This anniversary was commemorated in Lisbon, because there
was still no Basilica in Fatima.