Alexandrina de Balasar |
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As Fr Mariano
Pinho’s mortal remains come to Balasar this month, let us look at one of the
colloquies where Jesus promises that he will go on to be honoured on the altars
of the Church. It dates from 7th May 1949, and there is at least one
other, dated 1st November 1952, All Saints Day, with a
The subject of this 7th May entry is mainly the anxiety of possessing the Beloved and the reparatory suffering for the world’s sins. As it was a first Saturday, do not fail to notice the usual encouragement Jesus gives to the people who fight alongside Alexandrina, in this case, Fr Pinho and Dr. Azevedo.
It was with this hungry that I prepared myself to receive Him this morning. And as soon as my Jesus came down into my heart, it seemed to me that He stole it and in the place of the heart left so great an emptiness that I could not support it; there was nothing within me. I was gasping. Then I died of hunger indeed. Time was passing without my possessing the One that I yearned for so much. Then I heard His voice, the voice of my Longed-for One which said to me: — My daughter, my daughter, you are all mine, your heart is mine, I make it to melt with mine; the two are just one. Only I am enough to fill you and to satisfy your desires. I made you empty so as to fill you with my wealth: to give you the purity, the sweetness, the love that you so long for. It consoles Me much to see you in these painful anxieties, and searching for Me! Fill yourself, because here is the strength for your pain, I want you to give all this to souls: I love them with passionate intensity. But I am badly repaid. How much I suffer, seeing them follow the way to perdition! How much I suffer seeing my divine Blood tread underfoot, wasted! How much I suffer seeing the justice of my Eternal Father falling on the guilty earth!
I cannot see how
more sins can be committed against Me. What a madness of love: I love and I am
not loved! O my Jesus, O my love, don’t cry, stanch the tears and don’t cease to love. You have my body for your victim. It is little, it is nothing. But in your holy Passion all my sufferings will become meritorious and thereby able to make reparation for many sins. The tears had stopped and Jesus’s fire of love continued. — You are my enchantment, little love-crazed child of Jesus and little love-crazed child of souls. You constrain Me to pardon and to forget, for a little while longer, so many iniquities. Say, my daughter, to your dear Father (Pinho) that I have reserved a place for him in Heaven, close to the divine throne, among the saints, a place of glory and honour.
I will make it
so that he goes from this earth to be honoured on the altars. It is the price of
his confidence, his perseverance and faithfulness to my grace and all his
suffering in silence. Give him my love with abundance, so that he might pass it on to souls and carry out the mission that I have chosen for him. Tell your doctor that I am with him and I always attend him in his afflictions and cares. If I always rescue with my Blessed Mother all those who invoke and trust in Us, still much more will we aid those who take care of my divine cause and support my spouse and most loved victim. There is no reason to be afraid! I don’t leave him to live without thorns and I press him in such a way that I unite him closer to Me and don’t let him to flee for comfort to his family and friends. How great is my love for all! How well I reward those who serve Me well! Come, my blessed Mother, come now to our dear daughter.
The heavenly
Mother of Sorrows came, with a purple mantle, gold embroidered, and with arrows
in her Heart. She was sad, very sad. She took me on her lap, hugged me to Her,
caressed me and said:
Suffer, suffer
for souls; don’t allow the Blood of Jesus to be lost. No, no, Heavenly Mother, I do not want you to cry. I have nothing with which to wipe away your tears but your Jesus.
I took the tunic
of Jesus and dried them with it.
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