If every day, waking from my light sleeps, I am steeped in great
pain and sorrow, this suffering redoubles on Fridays. I have no
words or wisdom to explain it.
When I woke up today, I felt very, very tired. It seemed to me
that my hair was soaked in blood. My clothes, too, were drenched
and stuck to my body. I was alone in a dark prison. I felt the
pain of abandonment in which those who were dearest to me had
left me. Where were their promises not to abandon me? All this
is a book of very clear letters that I have written in my soul;
they are not things of my imagination. Oh, how many times have I
tried to distract myself, to see if this soul-suffering
disappears! What a big mistake! It is a deep wound, it is a pain
that is very much alive which only Jesus or the Heavenly Mother
may soften.

Then the demon came in front of me as a wolf and a lion doing
horrific things. I trust that I have not sinned, because I trust
in Jesus' promise of not letting me sin. If it were not so, alas
for me! The evil demon! What a great school of sin! I just wish
souls knew his diabolical tricks and so not allow themselves to
be deceived by him.
With the visit of the Blessed Sacrament, with the warmth of His
divine love, which filled me abundantly, I revived a bit. The
comfort that He gave enabled me to walk the path of Calvary
during the morning.
Even then I was so mistreated! I fell so many times with the
weight of the cross and was dragged back much of the distance
with the rope. I fell with my face to the earth, and my flesh
remained on the stones into small pieces. All this suffering
overpowered my heart; it was a suffocating grip which took hold
of my life. On the cross, abandoned by all, listening to the
greatest iniquities, I felt great drops of death sweat running
down my body. They gathered up the drops of blood which fell
from my head and my wounds in abundance. I felt great sweetness
in suffering because it was the currency of souls, but I was not
able to smile. In this abyss of pain, Jesus came.
— My
daughter, I'm on my throne, in the palace of my kingdom. Is the
King of Heaven united with his queen, the queen of the earth.
Here, yes, my beautiful dove, here I'm not hurt, I'm well in the
heat of your love, here my divine Heart is carefully kept. The
sentinel of your palace is your purity, the guards are your
angelic virtues, the ammunition of your weapons is your love.
These weapons will extend the fire of their bullets to the ends
of the world. It is not a death fire, it is a life-giving fire,
a fire that attracts hearts and souls to my Divine Heart. You
are a sea of immense wealth, you are a port of salvation.
When you are in heaven, before the throne of God, and petitions
in favor of sinners in danger arrive there in your name, when
your voice is heard - "Father, I want that sinner to be saved" -
at the same time he will feel the touch of grace; by you, all
will be saved. You will be a very fine gold wire that holds them
to me forever.
— O
my Jesus, since in Your infinite power and goodness you will
make me so powerful in heaven, make it so that already, here on
earth, all sinners I nominate might be converted and saved.
— Ask,
ask, dear daughter, you are powerful. Commend all those you want
to my Divine Heart. Your life on earth is to benefit the same
earth, to spread good on it. Your life in Heaven will enrich the
world, will be to bedew it with the balm of purification and
salvation. Oh what a wealth I have to give you in heaven, so
that you can distribute it on earth. Already here, and then
there, you will ignite the fire of my divine love.
Listen, my beloved daughter, men - and he named them - are in
danger of being lost. They are blind in their passions! They
offend me so badly, so outrageously! Do you want to make
reparation for them, so that they will not be lost?
— O
my Jesus, I offer You everything, to comfort You, and to save
them. Choose the reparation You want, grant me your grace and
divine strength: with it I am ready for any sacrifice.
— Do
you accept fifteen attacks of the devil more than you should
have to suffer? Some nights you will suffer two such battles.
Offer me five of the attacks for each of these men in honor of
my divine wounds. I want so much that they be more loved and
that my divine Heart be more loved. Spread, spread, burn the
world with my divine love. Accept and give me one more match in
honor of the sacred wound of my shoulder; offer it for the
priest. He contributed so much to deepen it! Oh, how I suffered
with it!
— Well
you know, my Jesus, that the fights with the devil are the
greatest sacrifice you can ask of me, but if I can give You
consolation with them, if only they can make the reparation
great crimes require, then here I am, Jesus, here I am, Love: I
am your victim. I want to save these souls blinded by sin, I
want to divert these cruel blows that come injure You away from
Your Divine Heart.
— My
dove, my dove, angelic flower, whiteness of grace, garden of
delights, throne of love for my Divine Heart: I knock, you
opened the door to me, I ask and I receive everything. Receive
too in return my love, all my love. I love you as if there was
nobody on earth or in heaven to love. Live my life, live the
life of heaven here on earth, live it, so that you teach it,
live it, so that people learn from you. Your Heaven comes, do
not delay, quickly I take you with me.
Jesus caressed me, kissed me sweetly, while He hugged me and
scorched me in the fire of His divine love. For a few moments I
was happy; then I fell onto my cross and my heart quickly began
to bleed in pain.
I remember so much the souls Jesus spoke to me about! But I
think more of the priest who, being a priest, offends Jesus more
deeply. |