January 5, Friday
I need
to write and I did not wish to say anything about what happens in my
soul. I do it for obedience.
What a
sad hour run to me, what great agony came upon my soul! I feel that
many streets are bathed in my blood. I see so much anger and
indignation. I'm so humiliated! My body is just like a wound. The
blood of the head caused by the thorns bathe the whole body. Open
arms I give myself to the cross, let myself to crucify. I'm in a
continuous cry:
my Father, and Thou hast forsaken me? I am your victim, I give
myself to You for souls.

O my
God, if I had will, I would prefer hell to this suffering and to the
time of my colloquies with You. Yes, my Jesus, if I was in hell,
instead of talking Thee and Thou with me, I wouldn’t be afraid to
deceive myself or deceive anyone and would not be so persecuted in
the world. Forgive me, Jesus, my outburst! It is the horror I have
to deception, falsehood, it is the fear I have of myself, is the
fear of Fridays. If they disappeared and also I disappeared merged
in Your infinite love! ...
all the suffering, come the cross, come the death, everything I
embrace; I am your victim, Jesus.
these sufferings I went to a light’s flood, peace and sweetness.
Jesus took a lot to talk to me, left me for a long time to enjoy
what was his. He told me later.
— My
daughter, full of grace, purity and love; my daughter, rich treasure
of what is divine: you're full of grace, purity and love, you are
rich of what is divine, because you have kept in you with all the
care, diligence and love, what by Heaven was given to you. You
responded to the grace, are full of grace.
daughter, divine source, the source of all mankind: you are divine
source, because in you there is all that is divine. You are the
source of humanity, because it comes to you to drink and to purify
itself; you pure water, are source salvation.
daughter, hymn of praise, love and reparation. If you could see the
praise I received, the fealty and angelic homage given to Me in
Heaven because of the repair you gave Me, by souls you saved with
the pain you left immolate yourself! It was a year full of love, it
was a year full of salvation.
daughter, angelic flower, treat of the divine Trinity, Mary’s
pampering, spoiling of the whole heavenly court: the pain you
suffered embellished Heaven, is adorned with it, your pain is
written in letters of gold and precious stones.
written also the ingratitude and wickedness of men against you and
against my divine cause. Waits you a year full of disappointments
and also full of joy, by you only experienced as sunshine that
appears to quickly hide itself among the clouds.
be afraid, this is your life. It is life that gives life, giving
love is pain. Do not worry about nothing see of what you did, about
you suffered, about you loved. You didn’t suffer, didn’t give,
didn’t love because of you, you gave Me all. You can’t see anything
in the world, all went to the heavenly glory; everything is in
possession of thy King, thy Spouse. You will see everything, when
you have your eternal meeting with Me.
all, accept everything with joy. Hit your white wings, your wings of
whiteness as the applied dove flies away to search food that gives
life to its children. You are the life of souls, the mother of
sinners, the queen of the world, the queen of love.
daughter, translucent mirror where all mankind will see itself and
transform itself at your imitation.
yearn, I long to see you in my homeland, so that the whole world
knows and learns in your life, my daughter, sacred school of the
divine sciences.
Courage, life giver of life, pain giver of love. Receive my divine
love to raise yourself from your faint and to receive the life of
you live.
heart received an infusion of love, felt the pains He had to see me
in Heaven and felt the tributes that the angels sang to Jesus
singing to Him an extended hymn of great praise and thanks.
Oh, how
much it cost me to separate myself from Jesus to live here.
What difference Heaven from the earth, the love of Jesus from that
of the creatures! |