March 3, first Saturday
Tonight, I do not know at what time, the devil appeared to me
dressed as a priest with a cassock down to his feet. He was big,
very big, fat - like a monster. He crossed in front of me, but he
did nothing except made me feel as if my bed had caught alight; it
seemed as if the flames were spreading beneath me. It made me
shudder with fear.

want what Jesus wants, but if I was to have a choice, I would prefer
this a thousand times to those other tricks he uses. I feel my whole
body torn and bloody, the thorns penetrate my soul, heart, body and
whole being. I cannot open or close my eyes without thorns, I cannot
think without thorns, I cannot move myself without thorns. My bed
and the room I live in are thorns and everything is bathed in blood.
My poor heart bleeds in pain! And my lips seem to be closed, I am
not able to groan. I die, I die muffled.
Burdened with this pain and sorrow, I did my preparation for the
visit of Jesus to my heart this morning. Remembering that it was the
first Saturday caused me so much grief that made me think like this:
Jesus, I cannot live without doubts. What fear I have! Behold my
concerns, have pity on them! I do not want to deceive; Thy divine
love, souls, these alone are enough for me, my Jesus.
When the time came to receive Him He entered my room As Jesus came
in, it seemed to me that people stuck a dagger in my chest and it
was piercing my heart. I craved, craved to receive Him, but the fear
I had, the horror of ecstasy, is inexplicable.
Moments after Jesus came down to me, I began to feel His divine
presence and my heart dilated. My chest seemed to expand, while my
heart swelled. My loving Jesus began to say to me:
My daughter, I want to dilate your heart. I want to make it big, as
big as my divine love. Receive it in all its abundance, wrap it in
the world that I have deposited in you. Transform it into my divine
gave you and continue to give you my divine love; I offered you the
world, of everything I want only one thing: I want love, only love.
I redeemed you with my blood, you're the new rescuer of mankind. I
chose you to continue with me the most beautiful, most sublime work,
the work of redemption, the salvation of souls.
are Christ crucified, you are portrayed in
Me. When I created you, I saw all that in you; now I have have
chosen you for the most sacred, most sublime, mission, one that is
most dear and pleasing to my divine eyes.
was listening to Jesus but I lacked that light, that joy and
consolation which I almost always felt. I said to Him:
My Jesus, every time I have more doubts and I'm convinced that I'm
wrong. How sad! What darkness and fear I have of Thee!
No, my angelic white dove! No, my pure, my beauty and enchanted one
of heaven! You were never wrong. Do not fear, I never allowed it.
This was exactly what I asked you for yesterday. I rejoice and
comfort Myself with that joy that you ought to receive from Me. You
don’t begrudge me this, do you?
- I
would chose death and hell rather than grieve Thee, my Jesus. I am
your victim, I am your slave.
You are the sun, the bright, golden sun that breaks the clouds to
shine upon the earth. Here are the thorns that hurt you, they will
fall upon you continually, you shall live among them, among them you
will die.
are the sun, you are the cloud, the black cloud that scares. The sun
is for the world, the cloud is for you, it is yours.
are the downpour coming out of the clouds and you give to the land
the rain of love, pearls of virtues.
You, my daughter, are walking along the last paths; you are
approaching your end in this exile; approaching eternal life, your
real life. Heaven awaits you with all joy.
Say, my daughter, to your dear Father that the abundance of my love
is continually showered upon him, I promise him all my graces for
all his works.
Tell him that these are the ways of those who are dear to me, the
paths of my elect ones. He comes close to you to finish your
promise a miracle, if it is needed. Promised punishment to the
Company for causing him so much suffering and for oppose my divine
cause. I promised and I fulfilled that promise. Why do they worry
whether it is so or not.
Tell your doctor that he is carrying out his mission, the mission
that has been given to him: to take care of your body, to take good
care of it. Taking care of you is taking care of Me, working for you
is working for Me, it is performing miracles with Me.
Tell him not to allow himself to sleep and make known that neither
he, nor those who take care of my divine cause sleep. It is my
cause, it will triumph.
it is necessary that he speak humbly, yet he must not be timid.
Great is his reward; abundant, very abundant are my divine graces
and my love for him and all that are dear to him.
Come, my Mother, come to give our life, our love to this little
girl. Come to this darkness, come to alleviate this pain.
Heavenly Mother came. She took me in Her arms and drew mine upon Her
most holy shoulders, hugged me, caressed me, covered me with kisses,
while I received life and comfort from Her.
My daughter, my daughter and spouse of my Jesus, your life is pain,
your pain is love. Fill yourself with Me, fill yourself with Jesus.
Give what you receive from Us to those whom you love and who love
you. They will get from Us a measure of your love and of our love
for you. Give them our wealth in your smile, in your eyes, in your
angelic affections.
Courage, courage, you triumph with Me and with your Jesus!
Jesus pressed me between His Divine Heart and that of the Heavenly
You are, my daughter, in the wine-press of love.
was comforted, with more life, but steeped in pain and bitterness.
Hours later, I felt again the Heavenly Mother to take me in Her arms
and smooth my bitterness. I was encouraged but I was not relieved of
my pain. I was among thorns, I was on the cross. |