January, 28
Today Jesus asked two
sacrifices of me, one spiritual, one corporal. Spiritual, to
have to dictate what my soul feels and suffers; corporal, to be
so paralyzed that I cannot even move my lips to speak. It seems
to me that with every word I utter my heart and entrails are
torn from me. I have faith that at least Jesus will help me to
convey His divine words. I summarize the feelings of my soul.

In the morning when I
felt myself approaching death, and death approaching me, I ran;
I ran because the impulse of love forced me to run. Only blood
and death would be the salvation of the world, and I wanted to
save it. How many times, on the route that I traveled, I felt
faint and seemed to lose life, to really lose it! Losing my life
to give life gave me strength, I walked again. On Calvary, on
the cross, I felt my blood spurt out of me. Calm and serene,
with my spirit in God alone, I awaited the moment of greatest
happiness, the moment of salvation. Then Jesus came, so full of
tenderness and love for me:
— My daughter, divine
tabernacle, tabernacle where I live, prison of sweetness and
love! I have bound My Heart to yours, tied them together in
bonds of the holiest love; they captured me, your charming bonds
captured me, bright bonds, bonds of pure and fine gold.
My spouse, my spouse,
nothing can separate us, nothing can sever the matrimonial ties
that bind us.
O my beautiful dove, my
queen, my palace! Queen of the Heavenly King, palace of His
My daughter, life of
love, tongue of praise, angelic purity! Through you the world
will be cleansed; through your tongue the world shall praise me,
by your seraphic love, the world will love me.
O dove, O beautiful one,
O divine garden: you are the garden, I the gardener! You are a
garden of virtues, of charms, you have enchanted my heart. You
are and will always be the charmer of sinners.
- Yes, yes, my Jesus, I
want it – to enchant them for you, no matter what, my love. I
beg the great favor of shutting them all in Your Divine Heart; I
do not want any soul to perish, no, I do not want that, my
I do not deny You
suffering, do not deny me souls.
— Sweet daughter, my
darling, heroine of the world, unparalleled heroine, equally
unique is your pain, your love! You are rich, you are powerful.
In you I prepared a
strong arsenal with weapons of war; not weapons or destructive
fire but an armoury of the most heroic virtues, of the most
angelic purity, of the love of the Cherubim and the Seraphim.
In you I stored what
nations stockpile to fight wars. The weapons I placed in you are
not only to combat Portugal, but the whole world. You will
fight, my daughter, and you will win.
Your role in heaven and
on the earth will always be identified with the divine armament
I keep in you; and you, o white dove, O angelic dove, you
gathered it in yourself, embraced it in suffering, hugged it in
You, my beloved spouse,
are a new gospel, just as you are the new redeemer!
New gospel, in which is
written, recorded and preserved the life of Christ crucified. A
life of pain, a life of love, a life of madness for souls, a
life of charity, a life of the science and doctrines of Christ
the Redeemer.
I identified you with
Myself, portrayed you in Me, O dear victim, O innocent savior of
this happy Calvary! Save souls for me, put them under the mantle
which was given to you by my blessed Mother.
Courage, daughter! As
much as I love you, that much I identified you with Myself. And
because I identified you with Me, like me you are slandered,
persecuted and despised. Fear not! Days of brilliant sunshine
are approaching, a sun which will never be darkened, light that
will never fade!
The cause is mine,
victory is certain. This my cause will be destroyed when my
church, my doctrine is destroyed for all time. (i.e. never.)
Rest, my little
daughter, rest in my divine arms. Do you suffer a lot? Do you
suffer the utmost? It is my divine love. Rejoice, many souls are
saved. Take comfort in my Divine Heart.
I felt I was in the arms
of Jesus, and that by Him I was much caressed. I felt the
tenderness of His Divine Heart and His compassion for my
sufferings. He had me in His divine arms for a few hours. It
reminded me of a mother who doesn’t abandon her baby when it is
dying. I suffered a lot, to be sure, but I was comforted by the
gifts of Jesus and His tender caresses.
It humbles me, it
terrifies me, so much kindness of Jesus. |