Alexandrina de Balasar |
BLESSED ALEXANDRINA’S WRITINGS — 16 — June 4 – Feast of Corpus Christi
Jesus would like everybody to speak of the goodness of His divine Heart with simplicity and love. Jesus would like everybody to speak of the goodness of His divine Heart, His tenderness, His compassion, His forgiveness. Jesus is crazy for all His children. Jesus loves them passionately and wants to give to all the inexhaustible treasures of His kind Heart. Jesus wants to see everyone around His tabernacle loving Him and receiving Him with that love and affection such as swallows have for their fledglings. How afraid, indeed, are those who avoid Jesus and those who distrust His goodness and mercy! Love and trust is everything to the soul who truly loves Jesus and belongs to Him! — O Jesus, I trust fully in You. You will listen to my requests, yes, my Lord? And later You will take me to Heaven, yes, my Jesus? How dearly I long for it and how I am homesick for it! I cannot live here, my Jesus! This exile is terrifying! — Jesus will obtain for his crazy one of the Eucharist everything she asks of Him. Jesus cannot turn His eyes from the favorite daughter whom He so much loves! Jesus cannot complete abandon His spouse in the final moment. Jesus will give her everything and will give her Heaven. — Thank you, Jesus, forever: eternal thanks! June 6 - First Saturday— My daughter, my daughter, Jesus flies like the little bird that cannot land, that cannot rest. Jesus goes crazy, asking for love from hearts. What sorrow to love and not be loved, to love and to be hurt! But it is good that the crazy little girl of the divine love loves Him passionately, loves Him as Jesus wishes, loves Him with the purest love and a love disengaged from everything that is earthly; it is holy love, it is divine love. It was for this love that Jesus fell for His love-crazed young girl; is for the love of the Eucharist’s love-crazed young girl that Jesus loves the souls who love her.
It is for this love so pure
that Jesus will give her a death of love, love, only love. Jesus is exceedingly pleased with the Doctor, because of the holy care he is taking with so great a mission. Jesus chose him to look after His crucified one and for the souls whom He most loves. The divine Heart of Jesus is overflowing with graces to pour on them all. The world and Satan hates them and will hate them. This is because of pride: pride is the sole reason for his anger. But Jesus, along with His Blessed Mother, loves them; He triumphs and conquers with them, and that is enough. — Oh, Jesus, defend them always, love them passionately forever, triumph and conquer along with them. Take me quickly to Heaven so that I can cause your graces and your blessings to fall on them. Yes, yes, my Jesus, I trust that this will be so, my love. — Heaven is nearer to this mad young girl of Jesus than the earth is. — Take me, carry me up there then, it is only for this that I sigh! June 6, about 1 p. m.Deolinda was near me, and lying near my bed; while she slept, I saw the horrendous figure of Satan near me, between the bed and place where Deolinda rested. Satan was mounted on a dark dog, spotted in black, and Satan had hands like a monkey, with his fingers separated, dressed in red; it was a shapeless figure, head down, eyes raised and fixed to my eyes. I didn’t see him enter, nor did I see him depart, but he scared me and I tried to call Deolinda who, weighed with illness, was sedated with a sleeping tablet and didn’t hear my voice. I think I called her twice, then I stopped calling lest I distressed her by disturbing her rest. Meanwhile Satan disappeared. June 9 - by 1 p. m.A few days earlier I heard some very soothing harmonies, the chords of heavenly instruments, continuous angelic music and, appreciating the sweetness of that divine music, I forgot the world and this earthly life, indeed I lost all notion of myself and it seems that I was moved to live in a strange region where everything is happiness and ineffable. It was then that on June 9, 1942, at 1 p.m., I saw on the bed coming down from Heaven the stunning figure of the Heavenly Mother who seemed to settle in front of me, a little to my left. She was wearing rich, bright clothes, of varied colors, and her feet were bare. She came near me to caress me, and with Her right hand She pointed to Heaven. She seemed moved by my suffering. She promised to reward me, and inspired me with confidence. The throne She sat on was absolutely brilliant like pale gold where the sun projected its brightest rays. The consolation that this apparition brought me was ineffable. After a few minutes She disappeared, but came again, now nearer to me, on my right hand and I could see clearly that now it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She also caressed me as She had done the first time, but She did not repeat the gesture of pointing to Heaven. Her presence comforted me deeply and that heavenly consolation remained in my soul, which for a few days enjoyed that wonderful comfort. This comfort was like a magnet that raised me to Jesus, feeling myself then to be full of blessings. June 12 - Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.In the afternoon, around 6 p.m., I saw again that celestial beam that had visited me and taken me so near to Heaven. Now I was lifted up and comforted again and this time it seemed they took me close the door of Paradise. All I needed to do was to knock and go in! They left me devoured with desire for Heaven, a desire which was heavy to bear. It seemed to me that I had two little wings, and the strength, to fly but that something hampered the movement of the wings; an invisible pressure, that I could not overcome, took the movement from me and left me in anguish. I had the impression that this imprisoning of my wings was the working of evil men against the will of my Beloved One, who longed to see me and to have me in His love. June 27My life: what a little breath of life! Only a body to suffer and nothing, nothing more! What longing for Heaven! What consuming anxieties! The divine rays dragged me just, just as far as Heaven’s door, but something human, I do not know what, obliges me to live on earth, obliges me to continue to sacrifice. They didn’t give me my dear Father. Poor me, and I cannot wait longer! I look again and again at my body to see if it still exists. What it is happening to it only Jesus knows. It seems to me that I can’t have either union with Jesus, or the love that will kill me. What is the life of a victim! But I do not regret my offer to Jesus and for souls. From time to time He pours on me the rays of His love. It was on the 27th, which was a Saturday, and without being able to pray I redoubled my efforts to be united in the Eucharist, far from thinking that I would receive Him so soon as a reward. Jesus, may I be all for You and You all for me. I want to be always united to You in all the prisons of love. How wonderful! Suddenly, in front of me I saw a tabernacle. The tiny door was closed, but from little gaps in the door of the tabernacle came out many golden rays; they all gave light and they all came beating and leaning on my poor heart. It was not my illusion, because I never thought that Jesus would pay my great effort with so much generosity.
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