dawn today, when I awoke from my light sleep, I immediately felt I
was in a dark prison. My body felt so drained and tired! My sorrow
was so deep! I felt such pain that it was driving me crazy! This
madness was love; it was a madness for souls.
Shortly after the devil came to complete devouring my poor body. As
sly as ever, he tried to get me to practice evil and ugly actions.
— I
shall satisfy myself with you, I will take my pleasure with you even
though you disgust me.

hurled insults at me and made it very clear that he despised me. It
was a painful struggle. It made me sad and left me distraught. I
called for Jesus and the Heavenly Mother, and told them I did not
want to sin. It seemed to me I only call Them after the wrong has
been committed. I invoke Their holy names whenever I can, but it is
always after the demon has gone.
gentle breeze came to assuage my sweating and soothe my pain. I was
softened for a short while.
did not know how to prepare myself to receive my Jesus. Shame took
hold of me at the thought of receiving Him in my heart, of living in
God's presence after going through such ugly things.
Jesus, what great suffering, these attacks of the devil on Fridays!
Accept everything, it is for souls, it is a proof of my love.
Jesus came, and by His great mercy, only a short while after
receiving Him the sad scene that I remembered with the demon passed,
but then this agony continued again along with horrible pains in my
head, caused by the thorns. I felt my whole head surrounded by them,
and they pierced very deep. The blood that flowed from it, or
rather, that I felt was flowing, went to my lips, choking me.
Sometimes I lost breath.
soon as I arrived at Calvary, they nailed me to the cross. The
violence they did to my body was so great that my shoulders seemed
to be dislocated from my body. The blood from the wounds ran in
streams, bathed the base of the cross and ran into the earth. The
Heavenly Mother, near me, united Her agony with mine. Abandoned,
completely abandoned, I was about to expire.
Jesus came. I felt Him in my heart and resting there even before I
heard Him. He sat down and, like one who was tired, leaned His holy
head on my heart and said:
— My daughter, love descends to pain, light to night, to darkness,
to deep darkness. Pain, night, darkness and thick darkness allowed
by Me. It is the medicine, it is the medicine of souls. Here I can
rest, the world cannot hurt my divine Heart, here I get everything,
all a creature can give to His God; here I solace Myself, I delight
— My Jesus, it pains me so much, so much to hear You speak like
this. I'm so miserable, I'm just misery! How can You say that? How
can You have comfort after all the wickedness and ingratitude you
find in me, after that how can You speak to me this way?
— Listen, beloved daughter, I do not want, I cannot allow you to ask
Me again what I find in you that makes me speak this way. Can I not
grace you with honorable titles, lift you to the greatest height,
the highest dignity?
are my daughter, I speak of what is mine. You are my spouse, a
spouse who has the qualities of her Spouse, a spouse who reflects
the qualities of her Spouse alone. I enrich you from my riches, I
honor and praise those things that are mine. You are my beautiful
dove, a heart of fire, of burning fire, fire that purifies, fire
that attracts hearts to Me, fire that can ignite the world, I
entrust the world to you, the world is yours.
Ask, ask, my daughter, ask for prayer and repentance and amendment
of life; ask, ask for those things which you wish to see in the
reign of my divine Heart!
what is coming to the world if it does not raise itself and be
reconciled to Me!
Jesus rose from my heart, lifted His most holy hands and from His
most holy eyes ran tears in great abundance: like two springs.
Sobbing very much, He continued:
Do you see my divine Heart open? It is sin, is the pleasure of the
flesh; it is sin, it is the world. Save it, save it, my daughter, do
not let my Blood be lost!
it to convert, so that souls will come to Me, gather my sheep in My
Divine Heart, my whole flock! Ask, ask in the name of Jesus!
Penance, prayer and sincere reconciliation!
— Jesus, Jesus, enough! Please, do not do this.
give You my life and my death, I give You all my body and all my
blood, I give You my love, I accept everything You see fit to give
me, all this life of suffering, but raise yourself now, My Jesus,
lower Your most holy hands, staunch Your tears. What horror, my
Jesus, I cannot see You like this! How can infinite greatness kneel
before the greatest misery, the most little nothing?!
Jesus stood up, reclined again in my heart; He stretched His holy
arm across my shoulders and joined His holy face to mine; He
squeezed me tightly, covered me with kisses and burned my heart in
the fire that burned in His.
— How my divine Heart is comforted by your offer, your love! I see
in you the grace, the purity, the heroism for saving souls!
— That's not what I want to hear, Jesus. Tell me why have Thou acted
this way? Being God You knelt before the most poor and miserable
creature. Only You know how it torments me.
— My pure one, my beautiful one, the greater the sacrifice, the more
you have to offer Me. So listen. Isn’t it being on knees, with
folded hands and tears that hearts are moved to compassion? So great
is the love I have for souls, so great is my power. My motive is my
thirst for souls. You cannot compare human thirst with the divine
often creatures, to quench their burning thirst, kneel, dipping
their lips in disgusting, brackish water and in mud. I, Greatness
without equal, to quench my thirst, to ask for the salvation of my
souls, I knelt before my dear spouse who is clothed with Me,
transformed in Me, asking her for souls, asking her for the world,
this world which is mud and disgusting slime. Thus transformed in
Me, I see nothing in you of misery; see my wonders, my greatness.
it not true that I said "what is great makes itself small"? You are
the mirror that reflects everything. In you I give an example, as
when I myself passed through the world. Wonderful lesson, teach it
to souls! You, my daughter, are the one who gives them the passport
to eternity.
to the world, woe to Portugal if they do not correspond to the
graces I give them!
to the world, but then even more so for Portugal, if it is not
thankful for the benefits it receives through you!
Spread purity, spread grace, ignite love, love, love!
rest, innocent victim, in My Divine Heart; take comfort for your
unique pain and unparalleled martyrdom.
then leaned over to Jesus, rested in His Divine Heart, and new
outpourings of love from Him ravished my heart.
was already late at night when I felt the burning, but I am not able
to speak of it.
— Take, my Jesus, take into account my sacrifice. If there was up to
me, I would rather walk always with my face to the ground and saying
nothing of what happens in my soul. |