January 18
— O my God, where can I flee to, if there is no hiding place for
Sad hours await me. I feel in myself an immense sea of
It is as if death was is knocking on my door.
In spite of my ingratitude, ingratitude without limitation, I
want all the suffering, I want to embrace it. Only pain and
death will be the remedy for so many ills.

I am on my knees, bowed in the presence of the Eternal Father to
be sacrificed as a martyr who willingly surrenders and bows
before the executioner to be beheaded.
My soul is sorrowful even to death.
At the sight of so much suffering, it cannot have joy. If only
my death could mean life for all mankind! O darkness, O horror,
O my God, for many it is lost, all is lost!
My pains, my martyrdom, my death are worth nothing. I am crazy.
Now I get up, stretch my arms and with eyes of one who can see
everything I fix them on the Eternal Father
Father, O my Father, here You have your victim, a victim who
wants to save everyone; do not abandon me, do not let me be
shrouded in darkness, delivered to the devil!
Poor me, my Jesus, what consuming anxieties!
I want the means, more ways to save the world: I do not find
them, I do not know them. There is nothing else I can do for it.
My heart is crazy, crazy for humanity, mad for souls.
If I had victims that would allow themselves to be sacrificed
for me, so that I could save the souls that are lost,
irretrievably lost! ...
O Jesus, I have nothing, nothing that I can make succeed. I
wanted to go to limbo to baptize the souls there. I wanted to go
to hell to deliver from there those who are condemned.
O Jesus, have pity, have mercy, give at least the remedy that
prevents the loss of more souls! Let hearts burn with zeal for
love of them, hearts that love You on behalf of all hearts,
victims who only think of letting themselves be immolated for
love, and for all mankind.
What thirst, what thirst, Jesus, I have for souls! It is an
unbearable thirst. Oh how I yearn for Heaven! I am lying on the
bare ground, fainting, powerless to resist all this. May Your
love save me Jesus, yes, only Your love will be my strength!
The devil, without a word, approached like a raging lion, teeth
barred, intent on tearing out my entrails and leaving them
strewn on the ground. He wanted to do the same to my heart; he
attacked, but was unable to touch it. I felt his anger and the
craving he had to destroy it. Then he began a volley of words
and ugly curses.
— Let’s sin, let's enjoy ourselves! — he said. Give me all that
I ask of you, sin willingly, sin for love. Give me your heart.
If I had it, I’d have everything ...
Amidst this he mixed very ugly words and gestures. It seemed to
me that I gave myself entirely to him, entirely delivered myself
to him. Sometimes I was able to look upon the crucified Jesus,
the infant Jesus, the Heavenly Mother and Saint Joseph. Rarely
could I ask them to help me. In the tremendous struggle, at the
height of my grief, my tongue was as unlocked, and I exclaimed:
— No, to sin; no, to sin.
Save me, Jesus, I do
not want to stain my soul!
Everything calmed down for a few moments. Then came the evil
one, but from further away, declaring himself satisfied, dancing
and saying that I had sinned.
I was so sad! I felt my heart was a ball of blood. Alone, I
unburdened myself to Jesus:
— O my love, when will all this end? Everything terrifies me,
I’m afraid of offending You, I’m afraid to speak to You, afraid
of not loving You. What will become of me, Jesus!
Friday approaches with giant strides. I welcome whatever is from
You. Watch over this nothingness of mine, have pity of this
misery, misery without equal. I
am always your victim, my love! |