December 8 – Friday
from daybreak - a day that has not dawned for me – I began to say my
prayers and prepare myself for the visit of my Jesus. I could not
pray; I was awe-struck, overwhelmed with shame, pain and
humiliation. He
carried from house to house, street to street, I suffered in the
depths of my soul. I cried, I sighed within. My lips were not able
to utter a word of complaint. I was crushed by the weight of
God, what pain, so intimate and so deep! It was an endless pain. I
could not see where it would stop.
Jesus, how can I endure such torment? If I falter, if I don’t
resist, I will die, die quickly.
With this pain I have not had a moment of joy, nor could I remember
it was Your Mother's Day, a day I love so much, the day of the
Immaculate Conception. I could not even breathe.
Jesus. Poor me, I cannot be here!
Jesus came. Soon he warmed me with the warmth of his divine love; he
embraced me and told me:
— Your pain, my daughter, is the pain of salvation. Sinners are
plunged into this vast sea of blood that your heart continually
sheds. It is in the blood of your pain that they are cleansed, It is
the blood of the new redemption.
are the second ark of Noah. In you I keep sinners; in you, as in the
ark, I guard everything for life in the new world.
pain, your immolation and humiliation of life, is more for souls
that for bodies.
Courage, dear daughter! Do not fear.
rain that falls on the new ark is not to destroy but to save: it is
a rain of humiliations, disdain and sacrifices.
ark is not in danger: it sails on the crests. Once the waters of the
persecution abate, the world will see the wealth that the waters
contained, that they were waters of salvation.
daughter, my beloved, I am not alone, my Blessed Mother is with Me;
listen to what she tells you.
Jesus was to the left; my Heavenly Mother who was at my right, took
me onto her lap, enfolded me tightly against her most sacred Heart,
covered me with caresses and said me:
- My
daughter, I come with my divine Son to deliver humanity to you so
that you can enclose it in your heart.
keys remain in the custody of your Jesus and your beloved Heavenly
have given you to my most holy mantle, and my queenly crown: you
have been crowned by Me.
are the queen of sinners, you are the queen of the world, chosen by
Jesus and Mary.
Today, the day of my Immaculate Conception, we offer you your
sovereignty; it starts from today, it is yours: govern it, guard it.
Guard it on earth as your will guard and govern it later in Heaven.
chose this day which is held in my honor, your reign is to be
celebrated in union with me, on the day I was handed the sovereignty
of humanity.
the world is aware of it, you will be praised with me.
felt as if I they opened my breast and, inside it, my heart was open
for Jesus and His Mother. After depositing something in it, they
closed it again. The Blessed Mother turned the key and after that,
Jesus did the same. By breathing in I could cherish his sweetness.
I was between Jesus and His Mother as if in the middle of a press.
Between their divine hearts, I thought I could
not resist so much love, that I was going to die in those divine
fires. Now our blessed Mother, now
Jesus, kissed me, smiled at me and gave me divine life. And
the blessed Mother continued:
— Dear little daughter, darling of my Jesus, receive the life you
live, receive life from heaven, receive it and give it to souls.
Jesus continued:
— My
beautiful dove, white lily, lily pure, shining star that sparkles
day and night to light and guide sinners, to light and guide those
who wish to follow me with the purest and strongest love.
Daughter Courage, courage, love, fear not the war in the world!
Heaven waits to embrace you, Heaven waits for you to save the
greatest treasure that I have on earth. You are of Jesus, you are of
the blessed Mother. All the heavenly court waits for you.
O pure Conception, Mother of Jesus,
Guard my body nailed to the Cross
Nailed to the Cross, bound to the Cross.
Save it, Mother, O pure Conception,
Mother of my beloved spouse!
I received new caresses from Jesus and his Mother, I surrendered
myself and all who are dear to me to him until the end of the world,
including the ones that make me suffer most.
— Mother, I offer you humanity; keep it, it is yours. Save it. Only
you can. I am ashamed of myself for having received the whole world
from you. What can this miserable creature do without your
Jesus, O Mother, I submit myself to you like a soldier who wants to
fight and defend your reign. I want to fight, I want to obey.
Command me. With your grace I will accomplish everything. I will be
strong. With the grace and power from on high the world will be
cost me much to leave the Mother of Jesus. United to them, I can
overcome the world, and have nothing to fear. Now I fear everything
and can do nothing.
how I long for heaven. When will I go there?
December 9
dawn today I was not able to say my prayers as I should to prepare
myself to receive my Jesus. It is my unspeakable pain. Tears
sometimes tried to slip down my cheeks. I stopped praying and said:
— O
my God, my God! My soul is being torn like an old rag, thread by
thread it crumbles, disintegrates. Jesus, how can I live like this?
came the time for communion. The visit of Jesus gave me neither joy
nor relief as I was in the same state of mind. I gave him thanks as
best I could.
I began to read the correspondence given to me. The second letter I
read did shed some little rays of light in my soul. It lifted from
me the overwhelming weight that crushed my whole being. Without
wanting in holy obedience, P. Humberto was able to write to me and
alleviate some of my pain, and give me light in the midst of so much
Without knowing how, on an impulse of love I can kneel on my bed,
raise my hands, pray the Magnificat, It is customary for me
to pray like this when I receive the attentions of Jesus, whether
they hurt me, or soften my suffering.
sing praises to Jesus in the Eucharist and to His most holy Heart as
a witness to my trust in him, and His Mother to whom my sister and
cousins also sang a song of love.
After a thank you to Heaven, I fell on my bed, as to my beloved
cross. My joy soon died.
I do
not usually offer myself to it; I accept it just as Jesus wants, but
if I do it joyfully I am soon cheered. But it quickly comes and
quickly dies. Until the ecstasies with my Jesus die, it is for me as
if nothing has happened.
spent the rest of the day steeped in suffering, to feel in my soul
the great humiliation that the Reverend Salesian Fathers passed on
my account. The poor dears! For doing well and relieving a suffering
soul, they suffer too.
how sweet the pain endured for love of Jesus and of souls! I offered
to Jesus and our Mother the consolation that I could feel this
sweetness. I told them it was as a consolation for their most holy
Hearts that I should feel this joy.
Jesus, take advantage of all this for souls. They, and Your love,
are the sole purpose of my life. |